About me...

My life has always been surrounded with music: my father was a piano player, and when his band rehearsed, I found myself in the middle of cables, amplifiers, guitars, drum, and of course, the piano. It was more than obvious, that I would learn to play, and so I did, right in elementary school.
However, when I got my first cassette-radio combo, I realised that recording (and playing) songs is much easier, than playing them on piano. I remember, that in 1980 I did my first "gig" in my class, where I tried to balance between the Boney M, and the ABBA fans of the class. With one cassette deck...
In the meantime I started to produce some so called "radio shows", obviously imitating what I heard on the radio. The only recording that is still available is from 1981, announcing this song, so I have proof. :)
In 1985 I produced my first "megamix" with two cassette decks, a great mix from Kevin Mac Donald highly inspired me. I started to collect vinyl records, and became familiar with many genres, including hip-hop, thanks to the break dance fever back then...
As my record collection expanded - I literally spent ALL my money on vinyl - I was ready to hit the floor, and in June 1989 my dream came true: I got my first residence in a small club of a hotel. Two Technics decks, plus a classic Dynacord mixer, and of course cassette decks.
I spent two years there, and in November 1991, I moved to Budapest's oldest university club, and spent 10 (!) wonderful years there. In 1995, I was hired by Juventus Radio, the market leader commercial station back then, and I was the host of the Friday Night Mix, until 2006. 11 unforgettable years!!!
In 2007 I was one of the founders of Jazzy Radio, while still DJing, between 2009-2013 I was resident at Moulin Rouge Budapest.
In 2013, under the pseudonym 'Tom Hunter' I started to produce remixes. The nu disco remake of Prince's Kiss went up to #2 on the Traxsource Nu Disco chart, but due to some sample clearing problems, later had to be removed.
A few words about the Menu here:
- "Kezdőlap" is the homepage with a general welcome message, and a summary of what you find here,
- "Kiadványok" means "Releases", here you find all my mixes and remixes that've been released on physical CDs over nearly two decades. Juventus Mixes became my signature products, all 8 releases were certified gold, and 3 even platinum, we sold nearly 150.000 copies! Among other remixes, I've been asked by Coca-Cola Hungary to produce a limited edition promo megamix for them. I'm very proud of this too!
- "Közösségi" contains my different social media activities: Blog, Podcast and Vlog.
- "Rólam" means "About Me", and there's a Gallery with photos about me in the past 20 years.
- "Kapcsolat", there you can contact me.
Uh, I almost forgot: what the heck "nagyember" means? Well, it means "Big Man", referring to my above-the-average height. 😎
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